Successful applicants of the Topol Digital Fellowship programme recently received confirmation that they had been selected as Fellows.
For the first time Topol Digital Fellows for Cohort 4 are not only drawn from a clinical background but include non-clinical and social care professionals. Providing this opportunity to other professional groups means that digital transformation of the NHS and social care can be achieved on a larger, more inclusive scale and gives colleagues working in social care the space and time to work on a digital transformation project in their organisations too.
The 12-month Fellowship gives health and care professionals the time, support and training needed to lead digital health transformations and improvements in their organisations. Fellows will have access to knowledge and skills to support them in their project execution, alongside access to a facilitated community of peers.
In addition, Fellows will receive support, expertise and light touch coaching throughout their Fellowship and will attend a series of workshops and lunch and learn sessions on a mixture of machine learning, service delivery and agile methodologies delivered by TPXImpact.
Cohort 3 of the Topol Digital Fellowship recently attended their closing conference, where they had the opportunity to showcase their projects to their peers. You can read about Cohort 3 and the projects they’ve been working on during their Fellowships.
Cohort 4 Fellows will begin their programme at the Topol Opening Conference on 26 April, at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham.